•Recognized by Mayors Office of Employment Development, Baltimore, MD
•Recognized by FBI Academy Associates, Washington, DC Chapter.
•Recognized by Metro Transit Police, Washington, DC for commitment to serving others.
•Recognized by University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD.
•Honored with the 2013 Influencer Award by the Gridiron Foundation
•Awarded the 2011 Stem Champion Award for his groundbreaking leadership programs by Congresswoman Diane E. Watson (CA)
•Recognized by Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Fellows and Louis Stokes Urban Health Policy Fellows, Washington, DC
•Senior Aides 2004 Program Recognition from: Senior Service America, Cape Fear United Way, State of Franklin Health Council, North Carolina Central University, Winston Salem Urban League, Cumberland County Senior Aides Program, Senior Resources of Guilford, Charlotte Mecklenburg Senior Centers.
•Awarded five Maryland Governor's Volunteer Service Certificates for separate community service projects
•Received "Women Empowered Against Violence" award in recognition of outstanding commitment, dedication and contributions in addressing issues that involve violence against women.
•Recognized by Martha's Table for contributions to youth and the community - Washington, D.C.
•Recognized by Greenfield School as a celebrity reader promoting literacy, Greenfield, Pa.
•Who's Who Among Successful Businessmen
•Recognized by Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, Washington, D.C. for collaborative leadership in promoting high-quality alternative pathways to teaching and community service.
•Recognized by the 4-H Youth Development Program